zadig & voltaire boots (thank you Juno for informing me about the boots and making my dreams come true)
armor jewelry bolera
alexander wang bag peeking out

TOJ lambskin varsity jacket - uber cute, I think he should give it to me 'cause I look better in it
Rad by Rad triple zippered knee pants - I am SOO JEALOUS OF THESE! I tried them on and they are, sadly, waaaay too big for me :c otherwise I'd steal them

for some weird reason, my friend Ryan always ships his online shopping conquests to my house. today, we were both waiting for two different packages each, and when the UPS truck rang the doorbell, we ran laughing and screaming towards it with dizzying anticipation. :)


Ryan is lurking behind me with my Balenciaga jacket on his head... we both wanna wear our leather jackets NOWWWWW

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9 Responses to

  1. i want that varsity jacket!!! reminds me of when i was 8 and had one from my elementary school... it was pricey, too, for such a young market!

  2. Juno says:


  3. Unknown says:

    droooooooool... high five to the shopping spree dvrling ;)


  4. kwahhhh so amazing, zadig is so ridiculously overpriced in so bad ):

  5. Jayrin says:

    Totally unrelated:

    I noticed that your perm suddenly vanished...? What'd you do to it? I'm trying to get rid of mine. :)

  6. Pennerad says:

    super jealous of your bal jacket! and the varsity one too as well...

    are thos both zadig and voltaire boots? one looks like the miu miu biker boots.

  7. Val says:

    ughh love the zadig and voltaire boots. jealous.

  8. Macy says:

    That varsity jacket is so freaking badass. Love the first two photos too!

  9. great photos!! the museum looks so much fun & interesting!! i am in love with your boots & bag!!

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